InstagibCollection v16 This new game mode alters movement and spawns. The intention is to increase the pace of the game, while balancing defensive and offensive play. It is also trying to polish the game. NOTES: 1) DO NOT USE THIS GAME MODE IN COMBINATION WITH THE INSTAGIB MUTATOR. 2) Brightskins do not work on Linux, so keep them disabled. 1.) Major Features: - New Spawn System At the start of a map, create a list of spawns for each team, then shuffle these lists. When a player respawns, find the first spawn point within the list of spawns for the player's team where * there is no friendly player within a small radius (300uu), * and there is no enemy player within a large radius and able to see the spawn (2000uu), * and there is no enemy player within a medium radius (1000uu), * and there is no flag within a medium radius (1000uu). Then move the selected spawn to the end of the list. If no eligible spawn was found, the built-in spawn system is used. If there are less than five players on the map, the old spawn system is used. - Changed Movement * max acceleration: 3200uu/s² -> 5800uu/s² * braking deceleration walking: 520uu/s² -> 1450uu/s² * ground friction: 10.5x -> 12.0x * air control: 55% -> 70% * dodge air control: 41% -> 70% * floor slide ending speed factor: 40% -> 100% * slide target height: 55uu -> 69uu * slope dodge scaling: 93% -> 98% * teammate momentum boost: 75% -> 100% * landing assist distance: 40uu -> 15uu * no fall damage - Alternative Kill Sound No delay after kill, immediate feedback. Adjustable volume and pitch (more on that later). Still guarded by profile setting (HUD -> Notifications). - Gore Level Allow disabling of gib creation, killed pawn transitions into ragdoll instead. Ragdoll can be controlled using bShowRagdoll and RagdollTime. - Brightskins You can adjust skin-color for each team by changing the *BrightskinColor* values. You can disable brightskins. Brightskins can be enemy based. There are two styles of brightskins: flat and outline that can be configured separately for either team. - Footsteps Completely redid footstep sounds. Clients can now set the volume of their own footsteps. - Force Models You can force all player characters to always use the same model that you are using. - Hide Weapon Model You can hide the weapon model in 1st person view. - New Scoreboard (v2) Courtesy of Supsun (code) and DarkHell (layout/art). - Contains deathmatch gamemodes (DM, TDM) - Dummies appear on spawnpoints during warmup 2.) Installation Copy the file InstagibCollection-WindowsNoEditor.pak into the following directory: My Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Paks\DownloadedPaks 3.) Configuration While in a game with this gamemode active, press F5 to open a configuration menu.