Binary Operators in GALAXY Operator Description Works for ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ + Addition or concatenation depending on type byte, int, fixed, string, text, point - Subtraction byte, int, fixed, point * Multiplication byte, int, fixed / Division byte, int, fixed % Modulo, rest of a division byte, int, fixed & Bitwise AND byte, int | Bitwise OR byte, int ^ Bitwise XOR byte, int << Bitwise Shift Left byte, int >> Bitwise Shift Right byte, int && Boolean AND bool || Boolean OR bool == Equality byte, int, fixed, bool, string, point, abilcmd, unitfilter, unitref, color != Inequality byte, int, fixed, bool, string, point, abilcmd, unitfilter, unitref, color < Less than byte, int, fixed <= Less than or equal to byte, int, fixed >= Greater than or equal to byte, int, fixed > Greater than byte, int, fixed Note: The bitwise operators & (AND), | (OR), and ^ (XOR) dont support operands of different lengths, meaning you cant have one operand of type int and one of type byte. Note: Adding and subtracting point ignores the facing and height attributes of points, meaning that the new point uses default values for those attributes. Unary Operators in GALAXY Operator Description Works for ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ + Identity byte, int, fixed - Inversion byte, int, fixed ~ Bitwise complement byte, int ! Boolean NOT byte, int, fixed, bool Note: Unary operators don't promote values of type byte to type int. Assignment Operators in GALAXY Operator Equals Works for ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ += a+=b equals a=a+b byte, int, fixed, point, string, text -= a-=b equals a=a-b byte, int, fixed, point *= a*=b equals a=a*b byte, int, fixed /= a/=b equals a=a/b byte, int, fixed %= a%=b equals a=a%b byte, int, fixed &= a&=b equals a=a&b byte, int |= a|=b equals a=a|b byte, int ^= a^=b equals a=a^b byte, int <<= a<<=b equals a=a<>= a>>=b equals a=a>>b byte, int Operator Priority in GALAXY Operators higher in the list are evaluated before operators lower in the list. Same line means occurrences of the operators are evaluated from left to right. Parentheses have the highest priority possible. * / % + - << >> & ^ | < <= >= > == != && ||