A Hitchhiker's guide to GALAXY ŻŻŻŻŻŻ /@ \ \ ___> \ (__O) \ (____@) \ (____@) \ (__o)_ \ \ \ DON'T PANIC GALAXY is based in large parts on C, a programming language first released somewhen in the 70s. Native Variable Types ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Type Description ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ abilcmd Complex type. actor Complex type. actorscope Complex type. aifilter Complex type. animfilter Complex type. bank Complex type. bool Primitive type. Boolean (yes/true/1 or no/false/0) value. byte Primitive type. Integer from 0 to 255. camerainfo Complex type. char Primitive type. Used nowhere by Blizzard, so why should you? color Complex type. doodad Complex type. fixed Primitive type. Real number values. handle Complex type. Also no used anywhere by Blizzard. int Primitive type. Integer from -2^31 to (2^31)-1. marker Complex type. order Complex type. playergroup Complex type. point Complex type. region Complex type. revealer Complex type. sound Complex type. soundlink Complex type. string Primitive type. Basic text values. text Complex type. Extended text values that support certain markup options. timer Complex type. transmissionsource Complex type. trigger Complex type. unit Complex type. unitfilter Complex type. unitgroup Complex type. unitref Complex type. void Primitive type. Empty type. wave Complex type. waveinfo Complex type. wavetarget Complex type. Struct Variable Types ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ TODO Variable Declaration ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Variables can be declared anywhere outside functions. In functions they can only be declared at the top of the function. Variable declarations look like this: ; So a more practical example would look like: int CurrentPlayer; Variable declarations can have certain options: They can be declared as "static" like so: static int CurrentPlayer; Note that declaring a variable as static prevents any code outside the file, where the variable was declared in, from accessing the variable. Variables cant be declared as static inside functions. They can be initialized with a value like so: int CurrentPlayer=0; Variables can be initialized with any value. They can be declared as constant like so: const int CurrentPlayer=0; Declaring a variable as constant prevents any code from writing a new value to the variable. You have to initialize constant variables. They can also be declared as "static" and constant at the same time: static const int CurrentPlayer=0; This prevents any code from writing a new value to the variable and it prevents code outside the file, where the variable was declared in, from reading it. You have to initialize constant variables. This does not work inside functions.